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What You Should Know about Biodiesel Cars

How Does Biodiesel Affect The Environment? Over the years, many people have given diesel cars a bad name due to the dark smoke which came from the mufflers. The world of diesel has changed over the years. Now, there are more diesel cars with better gas mileage and lower emissions than most cars using regular gasoline. The biodiesel cars are …

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Residential Solar Power Generating Units

If you are worried about your ever-increasing electricity bills and wish to cut down the cost – rather than cutting down your power consumption, you can opt for the residential solar power systems. These systems, which are designed for home use, use solar energy for producing electricity

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Wind Generators for Home Use

You can make use of the wind Turbine for your home, if you are interested in cutting down your electricity bills, or if you want a reliable backup source during power outages. You can easily get prefabricated wind generators from the market or you can even build one. Wind turbine kits are readily available these days. You can set up …

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Importance Of Geothermal Energy [In Brief]

In the ancient times people used geothermal energy for cooking and bathing, without even wondering about what is geothermal energy or how does geothermal energy work. For example, naturally occurring hot springs served as an ideal bathing point for people for centuries. Many ancient civilizations exploited such natural sources…

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Wind power for a better tomorrow

The process of making wind power as an alternative energy source does not involve any chemical reaction. Since wind energy is one of the best renewable sources of energy, you won’t have to worry about the shortage of energy. The contamination of the environment will not take place with this process. When the wind energy is being produced, there will …